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How is the Geological Heritage Formed?

During the long geological history in the evolution of the Earth, due to internal and external forces of geological processes, a variety of landscape, stratigraphic, geological structure, ancient human relics, paleontological fossils, minerals, rocks, water and geological disaster sites have been formed, among those sites, the most unique and remarkable ones will be considered as Geological heritage. China's vast territory, complicated geographical conditions, multitudinous geological structure forms a variety of Geological heritages. It is one of the few countries that have the full range of geological relics on the earth, and some relics are unique in the whole world. The Geological heritages such as the Stone Forest in Yunnan Province, the Mountain Huang in Anhui Province, and the Danxia Landform in Guangdong Province all enjoy a high reputation in the world, because of the unique features.  

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