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Call for applications: UNESCO Global Geopark Mentorship Exchange

12 February 2024

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2024

This deadline applies to both mentors and trainees.

The Mentorship and Knowledge Exchange Programme for UNESCO Global Geoparks provides full financial support (travel and accommodations) for trainees from new or aspiring geoparks to visit mentors from experienced UNESCO Global Geoparks to learn about their development and day-to-day operation.

Over a period of two to three weeks, trainees will receive real-world training in functioning UNESCO Global Geoparks. The goal of this programme is to support capacity building and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly through the creation of new UNESCO Global Geoparks in developing countries or UNESCO Member States with one of fewer UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Prospective mentors and trainees are invited to apply before 31 May 2024 to participate in two to three weeks of immersive education on the development and management of UNESCO Global Geoparks.

Applications from developing countries, or UNESCO Member States with one or fewer UNESCO Global Geopark, will be prioritized, as will applications from women and early-career participants. The Secretariat of the International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme (IGGP) will pay for all flight and accommodation costs.


Mentors from experienced UNESCO Global Geoparks will host trainees from aspiring geoparks for two to three weeks. You will immerse them in the day-to-day management of a UNESCO Global Geopark, and provide a comprehensive education on their successful development and management. This should be undertaken using a holistic approach and include geological, educational, socio-economic, and cultural aspects, among others. Mentors should submit an expression of interest to the IGGP Secretariat by 31 May 2024.


Trainees will represent an aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark. They will receive two to three weeks of comprehensive education on the development and management of successful UNESCO Global Geopark from mentors with real world experience. Trainee applications from developing states, UNESCO Member States with one or fewer UNESCO Global Geoparks, women, and early-career participants are especially encouraged to apply.

The IGGP Secretariat will pay for all accommodations and travel expenses.

For more information:


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