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Peach Blossom Valley

Covers an area of more than 400 acres, Peach Blossom Valley is a leisure ecological sightseeing rural inn with bamboo trees, green grass, bridge and brook, mill and wheel, wooden house and cottages. It is just like the Utopia as described by Tao Yuanming’s work “Peach Blossom Valley”. It is a place with extraordinary taste where you can enjoy the traditional food of Yi people and go fishing, picking fruits, sightseeing, and get close to the nature for all year round.

In the spring, the peach blossom is everywhere, pear flowers blooms; During summer and autumn, fresh fruits are waiting for you in the peach garden, vineyards, plum garden, red bayberry garden and pear garden. You can pick and taste different kinds of fresh fruits as your wish. Bathed in the warm sunshine, you can go fishing, have a cup of tea, play cards, chat with your friends or have a rest in the cottage; you even can make a meal in person with delicious mushroom and corn rice.

How to get there:

Drive from Kunming to Le’er Village of Shilin County, where you can see a road marker to “Peach Blossom Valley”, drive 2 kilometers further following the road marker. 80 kilometers totally with 1 hour and twenty minutes ride. 

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