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Safety Instructions for Electric Vehicle Tourists in Stone Forest Scenic Area

01  January  2013

Dear tourists,

Welcome to take the electric vehicle to visit Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark and World Heritage Site. The instructions are informed as following:

Ⅰ Routes

1. The route into the Scenic Area: Tourist Center - the Scenic Area Gate (2.5km), Wenhuacheng - the Scenic Area Gate(2.6km), Parking Lot- the Scenic Area Gate (2.8km), the terminal is the Scenic Area Gate.

2. The route out of the Scenic Area: the Scenic Area Gate - Wenhuacheng(2.6km), the terminal is Wenhuacheng.

3. The inner ring line in the Scenic Area: the Major Stone Forest - the Minor Stone Forest (3km). It is a one-way route.

Ⅱ Specific Rules

1.Ticket is only valid on the date of issue. Please show your tickets to the staff for check and get on and off in order.

2.The capacity of each vehicle is 14 or 23 seats respectively and overloading is strictly prohibited. Children under 1.2 meters share seats with adults.

3.Please the elderly, physically challenged people and children should sit in the middle of each row of seats and be taken care of by a guardian to prevent accidents.

4.For safety concerns, please fasten seat belt and keep heads, hands and feet in the vehicle. Do not stand while the vehicle is in motion.

5.Please keep all your belongings. No drops off between stops. Please contact the driver in case your cell phones, cameras, cups, hats and other items falling.

Ⅲ Civilized Tourists

Please ensure public health and safety order. Do not smoke or litter. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey!

Stone Forest Scenic Area Electric Vehicle Tourism Co., LTD

January 1, 2013

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