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Morphological Features of the Stone Forest

The Stone Forest displays the richest morphological features. Due to its unique geological evolution, numerous stone forest clusters that formed in different geological periods coexist in varied topography, each with its particular features. There are pinnacle-shaped, column-shaped, mushroom-shaped, and pagoda-shaped groups, there are also many other irregular shapes hard to classify into any known types. Since almost all the typical pinnacle karst types can be identified in the Stone Forest, the park is acclaimed internationally the “Museum of Stone Forest karst”.

Some stone pillars and spires may even mimic vividly the images of human and other living things. In the Major Stone Forest area alone there are dozens of such scenes that have been named vividly by the local people, such as “A-Shi-Ma”-the legendary Sani beauty, “Mother and son stroll together”, “Elephant on stone platform”, “Combing phoenix”, etc., which shows the historical connections of the indigenous Sani people with the stone forest landscape.

Pinnacle karst – the Major Stone Forest (developed from Permian pure limestone)

 Pinnacle karst – the Naigu Stone Forest (developed from Permian dolomitic limestone)

Column-shaped stone forest

 Pagoda-shaped stone forest

 Mushroom-shaped stone forest

Irregular shaped stone forest

 Balanced stones

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