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Announcement on the Management and Protection of Geological Heritage in Shilin Global Geopark

Article 1 All entities and individuals engaging in activities within the Shilin Global Geopark or related to the protection of geological heritages must adhere to the provisions of this announcement.

Article 2 The following activities are strictly prohibited within the boundary of Shilin Global Geopark:

1.Any activities that may damage the landscape, vegetation, and topography, including but not limited to mountain excavation, quarrying, mining, land clearing, grave repair, and monument erection.

2.The construction of facilities for the storage of explosives, flammable materials, radioactive substances, toxic agents, and corrosive materials.

3.The establishment of projects that are known to cause environmental pollution, such as smelting, electroplating, chemical processing, and tanning.

4.Hunting and trapping of wild animals that are under protection.

5.The excavation, collection, trade, and transportation of wild plants listed on national and provincial protection list.

6.The improper disposal of construction, industrial, and other types of waste and household garbage in locations not designated for such purposes.

7.The emission of pollutants, including air and water contaminants, noise, and other harmful substances beyond the permissible limits.

8.The act of defacing scenery or facilities through carving or painting.

9.The use of fire in an unauthorized manner, including burning and picnicking in non-designated areas.

10.The cultivation of plants which are detrimental to the ecological balance.

11.Any other actions that may harm the resources and environment of the Shilin Global Geopark.

12.Activities that compromise the geological structure or ecosystem, such as fencing, filling funnels, or caves.

Article 3   Within the special protected areas of the Shilin Global Geopark, all forms of artificial construction and activities that may impact the landscape and ecological environment are prohibited, with the exception of scientific investigations that have been granted approval.

Article 4   The sale, purchase, and transportation of geological formations such as stone peaks, buds, stalagmites, stalactites, and pillars, as well as the commercialization of geological materials including fossils, minerals, and polished stones (referred to as "strange stones"), are strictly prohibited within the Shilin Global Geopark.

Article 5   The collection of geological materials from naturally renewable sites for scientific research and educational purposes is permitted within the Shilin Global Geopark, provided that it is conducted responsibly and is part of the most effective and sustainable management practices for the heritage sites.

Article 6  Business activities of sand and soil extraction are not permitted in the Shilin Global Geopark. However, in cases where such activities are essential for road maintenance, facility upkeep, or the livelihood of residents, and are confined to the tertiary protection area, they must be approved by the relevant administrative authorities. Any approved activities must be conducted at designated locations, with mandatory restoration of vegetation in accordance with regulations.

Article 7  Approved construction projects within the Shilin Global Geopark must implement effective environmental protection measures during the construction phase and are required to clean up and greenify the site post-construction.

Article 8  Buildings, structures, and other facilities within the Shilin Global Geopark should reflect the historical style, emphasize local ethnic characteristics, and be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and environment.

Article 9  Any violation of the provisions of this announcement will be dealt with by the Administration of Shilin Geopark in accordance with applicable regulations. In cases where a violation constitutes a criminal act, legal action will be pursued.

Article 10  This announcement shall take effect from January 1, 2016. The Administration of Shilin Geopark holds the authority to interpret this announcement.

Shilin Geopark Administration

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