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Once a UNESCO Global Geopark, always a UNESCO Global Geopark?

No. A UNESCO Global Geopark is given this designation for a period of four years after which the functioning and quality of each UNESCO Global Geopark is thoroughly re-examined during a revalidation process. As part of the revalidation process, the UNESCO Global Geopark under review has to prepare a progress report and field mission will be undertaken by two evaluators to ravalidate the quality of the UNESCO Global Geopark. If, on the basis of the filed evaluation report, the  UNESCO Global Geopark continue to fulfil the criteria the area will continue as a UNESCO Global Geopark for a further four-year period (so-called “green card ”). If the area on longer fulfills the criteria, the management body will be informed to take appropriate steps within a two-year period (so-called “ yellow card ”).  Should the UNESCO Global Geopark not fulfill the criteria within two years after receiving a “yellow card”, the area will lose its status as a UNESCO Global Geopark (so-called “red card ”).

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