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Shilin Is Awarded A Green Card for the 2nd Revalidation of Global Geopark

18 Dec 2012

The Global Geoparks Bureau had its meeting on 20th September 2012 in Arouca, Portugal. After having examined Shilin’s dossier and related revalidation reports,  the Bureau decided to reconfirm Shilin Global Geopark's continuing membership of the GGN for a further four year period (so-called "green card") with some recommendations.

The Global Geoparks Bureau thought the Shilin Global Geopark has developed very well since the last revalidation period. More personnel, many more visitors, strengthening of the protection measures, more financial income and more staff: all essential parts of the Geopark are demonstrated in a good way. Two excellent new visitor centers (Main Stone Forest and Naigu) were built under modern aspects of ecological and sustainable architecture. Elements including parking lots, hotels and shops were renovated and were partially moved outside the protected areas. An additional positive aspect is the respect and support for the culture of the Yi- Minority as an important part of the entire management system. This can be easily seen in the calendar of events, e.g. the torch festival as the central event of the Geoparks year.

In order to further strengthen the Shilin Geopark, the GGN Bureau wishes to make the following remarks:

(1) Additional demonstrations by the Yi women creating the ‘thread' produced from special leaves for their cultural embroidery work as it is very interesting to tourists. Additional ‘live’embroidery demonstrations by the women within the central tourism zones and Visitor Centers (not only in the nearby villages but inside the Park as well) would be an additional asset for the Geopark which may strengthen full-time employment for more women from these traditional and authentic crafts.

(2) The information about flora and fauna is in general a little under- represented. It would be useful for the tourists to have more informational panels, brochures and leaflets about the living nature connected to and dependent on the Karst landscapes.

(3) Small plaques labelling (name and age) the unique trees and flora within the Geopark to emphasise the important natural elements of the Geopark. Plaques showing which of the local plants may be of important medicinal quality or use, or other cultural uses.

(4) Additional information, demonstrations, or a tourism loop to incorporate the local farming landscapes which surround the Geopark including traditional farming techniques and ancient farming methods to emphasis traditional and cultural way-of-life for local people for additional tourism and educational information.

(5) Preserve any good examples of traditional architecture (homes or buildings) within the small villages that are being removed and torn down(villages relocated) for tourism educational purposes to show how local villagers live in traditional homes, cultural way of life, and showcase/preserve traditional local architecture. Traditional architecture have strong touristic value (especially for visitors outside the region).

(6) Stronger involvement of the Geopark in GGN activities and GGN international cooperation with concrete actions in the frame of twining agreements with other Global Geoparks as well as participation in Geopark meetings and capacity building seminars.

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