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Shilin UGGp Continues to Enhance Capacity Building

Geopark staff, with variety of backgrounds, are among important human resources who are responsible for the day-to-day geopark management and geoconservation. That’s why Shilin UGGp attaches great significance to seltraining and learning. On January 19th 2021, Shilin organized a training programme, comprised of indoor lectures and outdoor field trips, to the Geopark employees.

In the morning we held the lectures with the contents of philosophy of UNESCO Global Geoparks, promotion of the visibility, the significant roles of geocenservation, the driving force of geopark in boosting regional sustainable development, the label of UNESCO Global Geoparks, the challenges facing the Shilin Global Geopark, etc. The lectures enabled all the participants to have a better understanding of the philosophy as well as the latest developments of UNESCO Global Geoparks. Some participants said that they thought Geoparks were only about geosites and some rocks before the lectures, which improved their capacity in management and earth heritage interpretation.

In the afternoon a field trip was held. All the participants, hiking along the Liziyuanqing, a subarea of the Shilin Geopark, appreciated the amazing karst landforms the Earth created millions of years ago at the Shilin UNESCO Global Geopark. Mr. Tao Honglin, a regional expert, the former vice director of Shilin Global Geopark Administrative Bureau, was invited to give an interpretation about the evolution process, the unique features of Shilin Gobal Geopark, the arduous efforts made in applying for a global geopark two decades ago. By study visit and vivid interpretation, participants knew more about geological knowledge on Shilin, scientific and aesthetic values of Shilin, various rock surface solution features, the important roles of ground water and subterranean water in the formation of karst landform, the unique vegetation in Shilin area, Stone Forest landform and other associated karst landforms in Shilin area such as doline, slint, karst cave, natural bridge, etc.

Through the training courses, the participants acquired a fundamental understanding of the UNESCO Global Geoparks, related goelogical knowledge, improved the ability of management and geosicence interpretation, stimulated their love to the Geopark, boosted their awareness of the need to protect the nature. Participants, from different divisions of Shilin Global Geopark Administrative Bureau, expressed that the training was extremely practical and fruitful and fun. Participants also expressed that the experience was both enjoyable and inspiring for all of them.

Geopark Staff Participating the Training Course

Regional Expert, Mr. Tao Honglin,Was Giving an Interpretation to Shilin Geopark Staff in the Field Visit

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